Mathematics provides an effective way of building mental discipline and encourages logical reasoning and mental rigor. In addition, mathematical knowledge plays a Crucial role in understanding the contents of other school subjects such as science, social studies, and even music and art. Mathematical concepts and procedures are used to solve problems in science, engineering, economics. he complexity of those problems Often requires relatively sophisticated mathematical concepts and procedures when compared to the mathematical literacy aforementioned.
Mathematics provides foundational knowledge and skills for other school subjects, such as sciences, art, economy, etc., the issue of how mathematics is intertwined with other school subjects deserved to be addressed. In some curricula, mathematics is offered independently to support the study of other school subjects as an ‘instrumental subject’, and in other curricula, integrated courses which combine mathematics and other fields are offered.
Encourage students to figure out the answers, rather than telling them
Standing at a whiteboard, and trying to Stuff knowledge into the heads of our students has been a traditional way of teaching maths but what would happen if we allowed students to discover things for themselves and direct their own learning?
Like it or love it: it’s a part of the curriculum
Creative and critical thinking is a cross-curriculum priority in the Australian Curriculum. Creative thinking occurs when students generalise — noticing the relationships between common properties — and then create rules or conjectures that need to be tested.
We can’t predict the jobs we need to prepare children for, but we do know the skills that will equip them for success. According to Australia’s Chief Scientist these are creative and critical thinking. In work, and in life, problem solving is a pretty important skill. So too is critical thinking. It’s what helps us explain things clearly, and back up our ideas. In mathematics, this starts by teaching problem solving and reasoning, and it’s accessible to every year level.
Creative and critical thinking are fundamental skills for the future