Best Tutoring Services in Sydney
This story sheds light on a mother, Aisha Hussein, who studied at Chalkwall. 18 years later, and all her 4 children study at Chalkwall, too.
17-year-old student from Al Faisal College, Toufic Mahfoud, shares his story of how he changed his complacent mindset to become more study-driven and focused to reach his goal to become a neurosurgeon.
Mother, Bernadeta Tadi, tells the story of how Chalkwall opened the door for her two children to grow academically, now seeing the potential Batrisiya and Mierco have to succeed in their future.
At 14 years old, Liqaa is sure of the goal that she is trying to reach. She wants to become a lawyer, and is working hard everyday at Chalkwall to reach this goal. Read more about how exactly Chalkwall has helped her.
Vincent studied with Chalkwall from Year 10 to the end of his HSC in 2014. In 2015 he returned as a Genius in our Study Hive, and is currently studying combined B Laws B International Studies at UTS.
Detailed is an inspiring story of a student who had no hope for his education to progress, to becoming a HSC All Rounder. All it took was just a little push in the right direction.
Since 1990, we have established a reputation for our genuine interest in educating students and demanding nothing less than their personal best. We have not handpicked high achievers; we have helped produce them over many years.
With Chalkwall offering after school tutoring for students from Year 1 to Year 12, in Mathematics, English and NAPLAN, every student has an equal opportunity to succeed.
With our interactive lessons designed to help you develop skills and strategies to improve your writing and analytics, it’s time for you to feel confident in HSC English!
Our courses have been created to provide the vital skills, resources and attitude that a student needs to succeed in Maths.
This accelerated program will put you way ahead of your peers as you cover topics, terms or even years ahead, and by the time you’re learning it at school, you won’t break a sweat.
The last thing any parent wants is for their child to be a one exam wonder. We need to build on academic skills that will be effective for more than just NAPLAN. With this long term learning approach, our classes will have your child covered for NAPLAN and beyond.
Be engaged while you learn, believe in your ability and see it in your results.
The final two years at high school (years 11-12) are possibly among the most important years in a person’s life. The level of success in courses undertaken then will determine that person’s Higher School Certificate (HSC) ranking and, resulting from that, their Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).
These two are of extreme importance for a student’s future prospects, in particular, the latter that will determine if entry to a university is possible. It is vital, therefore, that students do their utmost to attain the highest marks possible over these two years and private high school tuition on top of their normal school work can help them to do this.
Since English is a compulsory subject area for the HSC and makes up a major element of the ATAR scoring formula, it follows that students need to ensure they’re completely proficient in the subject. That can be achieved with the help of a HSC tutor in Sydney who will supplement regular school teaching and ensure that any areas of weakness are filled.
Similarly, although mathematics isn’t a mandatory HSC course, the subject forms an essential basis for others (such as business studies and economics). Consequently, an HSC maths tutor in Sydney can make the difference between gaining a satisfactory mark and falling below the required standard of performance.
We can provide HSC tutoring in Sydney on many other subjects that are either elective Board Developed Courses or are developed by individual schools and are Board Endorsed Courses. Our tutors are experienced in the requirements of various courses and have the communication skills to pass on their knowledge in an engaging manner, so students are fully informed of the subject matter.
Our aim is always to ensure that our students are fully immersed in whatever subject they study and understand all its principles and concepts. That will enable them to not only obtain high marks in exams but also to go much further in the subject. This is particularly important when a student’s final HSC score is based on a mixture of external exam performance and in-school assessments of coursework, the latter requiring consistent standards of achievement throughout the final two years.
The need for consistent performance over a two-year period makes it even more important that a subject is thoroughly known and understood since this will make lapses in standards less likely. The use of HSC tutoring in Sydney, when applied as a supplement to the teaching of the school, will ensure those standards remain high.
The final two years are possibly the hardest because the pressure is really on. Everyone else in those years is trying really hard to achieve high grades, and there’s competition for university places. Whilst one way to obtain a place may simply be to study more and harder, our way is to make that study more rewarding by covering subjects in a way that makes information easier to assimilate. Chalkwall tutoring will give students the best chance of standing out in HSC and ATAR, setting them up for a successful and rewarding life.
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