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The different ways of learning

Just as no two children’s personalities are the same, the way in which they learn will also differ, even within families. In fact researchers have narrowed it down to three major learner profiles when it comes to how students process and retain information.

Each individual may fall within a few of these categories, but understanding the best way a child processes information goes a long way to assisting them on the learning journey.

Here are the three major styles of learning and how to cater to their needs.


These are the learners who remember by sight, preferring pictures, images and printed form rather than hearing instructions and oral story-telling. They work in colour, and later via note-taking and text, needing to see something in order to imprint it in their memory.

When young, the visual learner thrives on stimulus like flash cards or pictures. Later this progresses to sight words, and the see, cover, then write spelling technique.

Later still, these learners enjoy converting lessons to short sentences and notes when learning in a classroom or tutorial situation. They also readily transfer ideas to flowcharts, and appreciate highlighting relevant text to denote its importance.

Experts argue most children are visual learners, and most classrooms are geared heavily towards this learning technique. If your child is a visual leaner ensure their eyesight is regularly checked and they position themselves near the front of the classroom, where they can clearly see the ideas as they evolve.


Auditory learners discover through sound, storytelling and oral instruction. They learn by hearing then repeating what they are told.

Initially this learner works well through rhyme, rhythm and sound. This progresses to repetition or rote learning, hearing a concept then relaying it in their own words. They store information by the way it sounds and often learn best when reciting something aloud.

For young learners, the best method is to have them hear an instruction or idea then replay it back. In early learning like sight words, this includes hearing the sound of a word, how it is spelled and then immediately repeating it. Phonics come readily to this leaner profile.

Later, this learner works well in group situations, nutting out an issue through discussion. They study best by reading notes or important points aloud in order for the information to be committed to memory. Meanwhile the oral assessment is their chosen domain, and tutorials are best recorded rather than taking notes.

As hearing is the primary learning sense, it’s imperative the auditory leaner has their hearing tested regularly and they position themselves in a classroom where they can readily hear instructions and lessons.

Kinaesthetic/ tactile

This truly sensory learner is the experimenter of the learning domain; touching, feeling and experiencing a concept to ascertain how it plays out. Sometimes mistaken for a learning difficultly like ADHD, the kinaesthetic/tactile learner sometimes struggles to sit still, keen to get in on the action rather than hearing about it or seeing it written down.

These learners like to experience ideas as they are tested and demonstrated rather than discussed or theorised upon. They often learn best by taking things apart and putting them back together to see how it unfolds.

Hands-on projects and experiments are the comfort zone of this learner, while dioramas, performance and multimedia also appeal.

Educators are increasingly catering to the kinaesthetic learner, providing practical demonstrations in addition to visual and auditory cues.

The final tutorial

The truth is most students will learn through a variety of methods, and multiple teaching techniques present the best means for all children to comprehensively distill and crystalise information.

With over 25 years of experience, Chalkwall understands one teaching method cannot suit all learner profiles and the classroom situation may not cater to your child in the way they require.

We have a highly qualified selection of professional tutors, well suited to identifying the individual learning requirements of your child. To discover more about our services, see here, or contact us directly for further information.  








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